Vegard Harm Norseman's journey is simply amazing. Many know him for his humor and charm, but behind that colorful façade is a tale of tenacity, grit, and personal development. Vegard's reality as he started his Norseman Journey was one of standing at the brink of uncertainty, facing his deepest fears while preparing for one of the most demanding c… Read More
When the beckoning of adventure reverberates within your very being, it is difficult to ignore it. Vegard Harm's response to that call brought him to Norseman, which is widely considered to be among the most challenging and breathtaking triathlons on the entire planet. Imagine this: a race in which the elements are just as much of a competitor as a… Read More
Not everyone fits to run the Norseman Triathlon. Athletes are pushed to their limits and beyond by this rivalry, which takes place in Norway—known for its amazing landscape. Imagine battling your own inner doubts while entering frigid seas, conquering great mountain climbs, and competing against erratic weather. You should thus be ready for this.… Read More
– Jeg var ekstremt medtatt. Jeg var veldig, veldig sliten. Hadde egentlig ingen av de reaksjonene jeg tror folk trodde jeg skulle ha.Ryddet boden og ble millioner! Dagbladet kunne tidligere lørdag røpe at Harm var nummer 236 av de totalt drøyt 260 startende, et par kilometer ut i det avsluttende maratonet.Easter Christiansen presiserer at Harm… Read More
Bli med oss for en grundig gjennomgang av denne uforglemmelige dagen og få innsikt i hva som kreves for å gjennomføre Norseman!Magnificence-nyheten rives ut av hyllene Det er jo ingen tvil om at Vegard har vært i gode hender de syv månedene som treningen har tatt.I den siste episoden av programmet blir det klart at Harm kom seg above målstrek… Read More